New Zealand Wines

ニュージーランド ワイン

The proud of the southern hemisphere


Deep Down Wines

ディープダウン ワインズ


Organic Sauvignon Blanc 2023

2023 オーガニック ソービニョンブラン

We use Sauvignon Blanc grapes cultivated in Ashmore Vineyard and Murray’s Vineyard, located in the southern Wairau Valley of Marlborough, South Island, New Zealand. These vineyards, stretching at the foothills of the Wither Hills, have gravelly soils mixed with fine clay particles, providing an ideal environment for Sauvignon Blanc. The gravel contributes freshness and structure, while the clay brings depth and texture, resulting in a well-balanced flavor.

The grapes were harvested on March 31, 2023, with a Brix value of 21.5, achieving a perfect balance of acidity and sweetness. We used mass-selected clones from 24-year-old vines, allowing natural fermentation, followed by fermentation in stainless steel tanks and 500L old French oak barrels. This process has crafted a wine that differs from the typical Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc, emphasizing texture and concentration over aroma and acidity. Of the wine, 65% was fermented in stainless steel tanks, while 35% was fermented in old French oak barrels, with an aging period of three months.

This organic Sauvignon Blanc, with an alcohol content of 12.25%, acidity of 6.8 g/L, and a pH of 3.15, offers a harmonious balance of flavors. Additionally, sulfur dioxide, used as a preservative, is kept to a minimum, and the residual sugar is modest at 2.5 g/L. Bottled on October 12, 2023, this wine delivers the pure essence of organically grown Sauvignon Blanc.

The wine is characterized by its natural texture and deep, layered flavor, offering a new appeal to New World Sauvignon Blanc. 



 このオーガニック・ソーヴィニヨン・ブランは、アルコール度数12.25%、酸度6.8 g/L、pH3.15という分析結果が示すように、バランスの良い味わいが特徴です。また、保存料として使用されている二酸化硫黄は最小限に抑えられており、残糖は2.5 g/Lと控えめです。2023年10月12日に瓶詰めされ、オーガニック栽培されたソーヴィニヨン・ブランの純粋な風味が楽しめる一品となっています。


Organic Pinot Noir 2023

2023 オーガニック ピノノワール

Made from Pinot Noir grapes grown in Poplars Vineyard and Ashmore Vineyard in the Marlborough region. Poplars Vineyard is one of the oldest vineyards in Marlborough, located at the intersection of the Brancott Valley and Wairau Valley, boasting a superior terroir with rich clay topsoil spread over layers of gravel.

The 32-year-old Pinot Noir vines from this vineyard produce wines with a soft texture and concentrated aromas, thanks to the clay-rich soil, despite low yields. The grapes were harvested on March 28, 2023, with a Brix value of 22.5. Natural fermentation was used, with gentle extraction carried out in open-top fermenters, and 21 days of skin contact to draw out depth and complexity in the wine. Cap management was done through one pump-over per day, and aging was carried out in old 500L French oak barrels. No new barrels were used, and the aging period lasted five months. Bottling took place on December 22, 2023.

This Pinot Noir is made without any additives, using only organically grown Pinot Noir grapes. The wine has an alcohol content of 11.24%, acidity of 5.6 g/L, pH of 3.56, and residual sugar of 0.10 g/L, making it exceptionally dry. Sulfur additions are minimal, with free sulfur dioxide at zero and a total of less than 3 mg/L. This wine showcases pure fruit flavors and delicate nuances, allowing you to fully enjoy the natural charm of organically grown Pinot Noir. 



 このピノ・ノワールは、添加物を一切使用せず、オーガニックのピノ・ノワールから造られたワインのみがボトルに詰められています。アルコール度数は11.24%、酸度は5.6 g/L、pHは3.56、残糖は0.10 g/Lと非常にドライな仕上がりです。また、硫黄添加も極めて少なく、フリーの二酸化硫黄はゼロ、トータルでも3 mg/L未満です。このワインは、ピュアな果実味と繊細な風味が特徴で、オーガニック栽培のピノ・ノワールが持つ本来の魅力を存分に楽しむことができます。

Organic Chardonnay 2022

2022 オーガニック シャルドネ

This organic Chardonnay is made from Chardonnay grapes grown in organic vineyards located in the hilly southern part of the Wairau Valley in Marlborough, South Island, New Zealand. The vineyard’s rich clay soils impart a refined texture to the wine, conveying natural beauty and elegance.

The grapes were harvested on March 15 and 22, 2022, with a Brix value of 22.5, striking a perfect balance between sugar and acidity at the time of harvest. "The Wrekin," a specific vineyard where 15-year-old Clone 95 vines are cultivated, is known for its unique terroir, which gives the wine a distinctive character.

In the winemaking process, after the stems were removed from the grapes, whole-bunch pressing was used, and fermentation was conducted entirely in 500L French oak puncheons. The barrels used are made from fine-grain French oak, with 15% being new. After natural fermentation, the wine underwent nine months of aging, resulting in a beautifully complex and deep flavor. Bottling took place on December 6, 2022. This wine, made from 100% Chardonnay, uses a minimal amount of sulfur dioxide as a preservative, ensuring the pure flavors of organic Chardonnay grapes.

This organic Chardonnay offers a harmonious balance of natural fruit flavors, aromas of vanilla and toast, and a firm acidity, creating an elegant New World Chardonnay that can be thoroughly enjoyed. 


 収穫は2022年3月15日と22日に行われ、ブドウのブリックス値は22.5度で、糖度と酸味のバランスが絶妙に取れた状態で収穫されました。 15年樹齢のクローン95が栽培された「The Wrekin」という特定の畑は、そのユニークなテロワールで知られ、ワインに特有の個性を与えています。 

 製造工程においては、ブドウの茎を取り除いた後、全房プレスで圧搾し、100% 500Lのフレンチオーク製パンチョンで発酵を行いました。フランス産の緻密な木目の樽を使用し、15%は新樽を採用。自然発酵を経て、9ヶ月間の熟成により、ワインは複雑さと深みを備えた素晴らしい味わいに仕上がっています。瓶詰めは2022年12月6日に行われ、100%シャルドネが使われたこのワインは、有機シャルドネブドウの純粋な風味とともに、保存料として最小限の二酸化硫黄が使用されています。 


Alcohol cannot be sold to those under the age of 20. 

When you click the “Buy now” button you are acknowledging that you are 20 years or older.

All prices include consumption tax.

At WINZ JAPAN our priority is for you to enjoy our wines in the best condition possible. 
That's why in the summer months we will arrange refrigerated delivery at no extra cost to you.





WINZ JAPANでは、お客様にワインを最高の状態で楽しんでいただくことを第一に考えています。